Wednesday, November 11, 2015

RHB bank 的 Smart Move Balance Transfer

如果有用信用卡的朋友,应该知道如果信用卡没有还钱,那银行就会向你征取超高的利息,差不多是18% Per Anum,假设你欠信用卡债RM10000,每年要还的利息就是RM1800,非常吓人!

所以银行之间为了减少你被信用卡债的利息折磨,就推出了一种产品叫Balance Transfer,就是如果你欠银行A的信用卡,你可以把那些欠债转去银行B,银行B会推荐你更低的利息。

RHB Bank 就是其中一间银行,很多时候都在推出低利息的Balance Transfer Program. 虽然马来西亚很多银行,但是我本身常用的有Standard Chattered, Citibank, Maybank, Rhb Bank吧了,他们都提供很多不同的产品。

值得一题的是,使用了Balance Transfer的产品前Credit Card 的limit一定要够,不然就没办法获得更低利息。然后也要注意每个月的Monthly Repayment,因为如果没有定时还清,他们还是会直接加入回信用卡的户口,那就得继续还一年18%的利息了!


Promotion is valid till 31 December 2015
3 Easy Ways to Apply for Smart Move Balance Transfer
  1. Call our Customer Care Centre at 03-9206 8118 and request for Smart Move Balance Transfer or
  2. Walk-in to any RHB branches to speak to the staff on duty to apply for Smart Move Balance Transfer. Find one near you here or
  3. Complete the Smart Move Balance Transfer application form and attach a copy of the other bank's latest credit card statement. You can Fax it to 03 - 2782 8888 or
  4. Send SMS to 66300 with the below format
    BTCX<Space>12-digit NRIC No
    Our friendly consultant will contact you to complete the application
For more information on Smart Move Balance Transfer or any other RHB products & services, please call 03-9206 8118 (Peninsular Malaysia) or 082-276 118 (Sabah & Sarawak)

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